- Poster's age : 24
- Mobile :
- City : Las Vegas
- Location : IN & OUT CALLS
SeXy CuRvY BrUnEtTe ReAdY T0 HaV SoMe FuN*CaLL Me SeXy DaDDy 480 274 9476 - 24
Posted : Friday, January 03, 2025 06:26 PM | 2 views
HeY SeXy DaDDy my NaMe iS SaSha
I'm from AZ VeRy NeW 2 Las VeGaS
I WaNNa Sh0W YoU hOW aN AZ W0MaN D0eS iT
I'm 5'7...170 IBS...A SeXy 36C WiTh a BiG aSS aNd VeRy CuRVy
L0Ng BR0wN hAIr N A tHiCK WeT PuSSy
i L00k iNN0cEnt bT i l0Ve 2 bE a BaD gIrL
l0vE iT rOugH WiTh sPAnkiN anD hAir PullIng
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