BFF, Blond, SLIM, Mature, SOCCER MOM, FUN, Your PLACE or MINE????????? - 48

Posted : Sunday, January 12, 2025 11:45 AM | 3 views

Call ME Scarlet Rose,-SOCCER MOM-48yrs -BLOND-YES-I DO HAVE-MORE FUN-TALL&SLIM-FIT;&FIRM-MY; BEAUTIFUL BODY-has-NO TATTS-OR-PEIRCINGS-MAKING NEW CLOSE FRIENDS is one thing-I DO VERY WELL-I LOVE-GOING OUT-TO MEET-VISITORS-to-MY HOME TOWN-or-STAYING IN-with the-LOCAL YOCALS-of-SIN CITY- at-MY PLACE-TAKING MY TIME-with-SOME KISSIN-and-CUDDLIN is the BEST WAY to beCOME BFF-NO RUSH-I DON'T LIKE DRAMA-or-COMPLICATIONS-------------- I hope MY REALLY ME PICS will help you decide to-GET OUT OF THE HEAT-ENJOY YOURSELF-LETS BE BFF-CALL ME-or TEXT-----702-205-3128---702-205-3128---702-205-3128---702-205-3128-----I start answering my phone @ 10am--I stop answering my phone @ 12AM--PLEASE GIVE ME-SOME--NOTICE 2hrs or MORE--YOU and ME--BFF-BFF-BFF--NOW and ALWAYS-- phone WILL NOT take TEXT till 7/3/12. SO PLEASE CALL E-MAIL is not the best way to..--GET ME--..SO PLEASE CALL -----702-205-3128-----702-205-3128-----702-205-3128-----702-205-318----- asian massage happy ending near me,ts escort den,rscort near me,female escorts in reno,women escorts near me,tranny md tsscort,madison ts escort,escort las,ts escorts minneapolis,raleigh ts escorts
  • Poster's age : 21
  • Mobile :
  • City : Las Vegas
  • Location : Las Vegas, Tropicana-AND-RUSSELL