Fri 03 Jan
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) VeGaS'S FiNESt EsCort.. HoT MiXxeD BaBe (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - 22
(Las Vegas, iNCaLL NW & OutCaLLs ALL oVeR LV)
-:¦:-☆ EvErY MaNs FaNtAsY*100% ReAL*FLaWLeSs BeAutY WiTh SatiSfYiNg SpEciALs ☆
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
★ T W O ★ M A T U R E ★ P L A Y M A T E S ★ R E A D Y ★ T O ★ P L E A S E ★ Y O U ★ - 38
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas (Ins and Outs))
♥ {{ SwEET&SeXY; }} *pETiTe* {{Ex0TIC}} *LaTiNa TrEaT* {{34C/24/38}} *1oO* ♥ - 21
°•❤•° Sexy N Petite Exotic Caramel!!°•❤•° Outcalls 2 Strip! °•❤•° - 25
(Las Vegas, West Vegas incall/ Outcalls to the strip)
-:¦:-☆ *SLiPpErY WeT & TaStY KiTTy ReAdY To PLaY RiGht NoW....* ☆
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
°•❤•° Petite Busty Exotic Spinner°•❤•° In/Out Specs °•❤•° - 25
(Las Vegas, Incall/Outcalls to vegas)
$PECIAL $PECIAL LOOK Beautiful PETITE Brunette 1000% REAL SWEET ██ 💝 █ LITTLE ██ 💝 █ BABY ██ 💝 █ - 21
(Las Vegas, incall VEGAS OUTCALLS)
✨✨✨new 2 you Latina playmate Beautiful💞 New w/ Specials ✨✨✨ - 23
(Las Vegas, Outcalls all over, incall very discret)
H E A R T ♥ ♥♥ [[__ S T O P P I N G __ ]] B L O N D E ♥ S W E E T H E A R T💞 VISITING FOR THE WEEK 💞 - 19
(Las Vegas, your place)
💋 Incall & Outcalls! THICK Mixed Bombshell Goddess; AVAILABLE Now ✔️ Ask For Specials💋👅💦 - 20
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas & The Strip)
**//::~` HOT,, Exotic,, BiSEXUAL Couple Looking To Have Some Fun!!! `~:://** - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas! NV)
!*! Highly ADDICTIVE* Upscale * 100 FLAT FREE**INCALL Available NOW!! - 24
(Las Vegas, outcalls 24/7 incall with an hours notic)
▀▄▀ ❤UPSCALE SEXY SWEET HOT ❤ ▀▄▀▄ ❤♥ ▃▅▆█ INCALL █▆▅▃ ♥ ♛READY ♛ █▒ NOW █▒ - 22
(Las Vegas, OUTCALLS and INCALL)
🎉 T!GHT 🇺🇸 ★★★★★— ░░ ░░ UPSCALE🚺 —— ░░░ ░░░░░ & 🔥✨HOTTt✨🔥 ! ░░░░ 🎊 — ★★★★★║▓║▓║█ █ - - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall near strip outcalls)
🌟SpeCials A ReAl TreAt SeXy PYT 💯💦Sneak Away👣👣Come Play🎀Small Waist🎀Cute Face💄💜💎🌟 - 18
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Incall & Outcalls Available)
. . . xOx .Captivating Curves . . Limitless Skill . . Sultry Demeanor. xOx . . . SUPERSTAR! - 22
(Las Vegas, las vegas in/out)
you want this sexy blonde hottie then come have some fun w/specials alnite long - 25
WOW ~S.T.U. N.N.I.N.G~ BLONDE ♣ ♠ A TRuE _ AcE _ Of _ Sp♠DeS ♣ - 21
(Las Vegas Strip *5 star incall*)
XxX____ ( ( B e A u T i F u L ) ) ___x B x U x T x___ ( ( B a D G i R L ) ) ____XxX - 21
(Las Vegas, incall && outcalls)
**~** UP LATE **~** _____ ADULT FILM STAR _____ **~** Sexy blonde VALERIE LUXE **~** WOW - 27
(Las Vegas, INCALL strip, Outcalls everywhere)
SeXy☑ ReAl☑ UnFoRGeTTabLe ☑ AmAzInG_SO READY to meet U_.HoTt CuTie PiE__ - 23
(INCALL... S.Las Vegas Blvd....Outcalls.)
[[ *S E X Y E B O N Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 21
(Las Vegas, LAS V in and out)
~__P__E__R __F__E__C __T__~__C__ O__M__P__A__ N__I__O__ N__S__H__I __P__~ Sweet Sexxi Brunette~ - 26
(Outcall Only)
NeW *** TIGHT *** Petite Blonde Jenna .... Explore Your Fantasies With Me!! - 21
(Las Vegas (Your Place))
MAGICAL Lips =*= CURVACEOUS Hips =*= HAZEL Eyes =*= Exotic POLYNESIAN =*= REVIEWED Video Vixen - 26
(Las Vegas, InCall Nr South Point 8am-8pm & OutCalls)
___ *M I N D* ___ (( B L O W I N G )) ___ :W A K E: ___ {U P} ___ +C A L L+ ___ (( SpeCiaLs )) ___ - 19
(NW Incall *95 & DuRanGo* - Outcalls 2!)
→→ [★]M a i n ◇ A t t r a c t i o n[★] 💋 NEW iN T0WN ((★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG!* ★ )) (( ★ SexY PuertO Rica - 23
(Las Vegas, Summerlin Private Incall / Outcalls)
I Can Help U Take A Load Off! Skilled Kiss & Magical Hips! $$150 hour special TODAY ONLY!! - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall 215 & South Jones & outcalls)
I cAnt MakE A cHeRrY PoP• bUt I CaN mAkE a BaNanA CrEmE! - 24
(Las Vegas, Incall/STRIP/Outcalls IM FLEXIBLE!)
Hustler Model Upscale Generous Gentlemen Only $100 Special - 19
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip/ Out Call)
$$$$$-------------- HOT BUSTY BLONDE WITH GREEN EYES CALL NOW -------------------$$$ - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Incall/Outcalls, NorthWest)
** [ EVERYTHING ] ** ââââ ** [ Y0U'VE ] ** ââââ ** [ WANTED ] ** ** [ JAPAN] ** - 25
(Las vegas, incall and outcalls)
Enjoy my companionship. BEAUTIFUL MIXED PLAYMATE. CLASSY & CLEAN! looking to have some fun xoxox - 19
😚😚😚 CHECK OUT MY Specials Tonight 😗😘😗Busty, Blond, MILF ,Curvy, Sexy, Mature, Friendly, - 41
(Henderson, Henderson / The Strip / Las Vegas, Las Vegas)
*{$$100hh SPECIAL'S} *{Let Me{ Help You}*{TakeA}* {Load Off}* $$150Hour SPECIALS} - 24
(Las Vegas, Incall near strip and outcalls)
== $150 hour Special Ill help you take a off!! Gentlemans Choice Special 2 girls $300 hour - 23
(Las Vegas, incall southwest & Outcalls)
Thu 02 Jan
********* Sexy Playmate ********** Available Now!!!!! - 32
(Las Vegas, las vegas strip_____________________ OUT)
★ ★★ ★★ R _U _S_ S_ I_ A_ N ___ B_-R_U_N_E_T_T _E ___B_O__M__B __S__H__E__L__L __ ★ incall ★ $150 - 23
(Las Vegas, outcalls and INCALL on strip)
$100 INcALL 💖✨$100 INCaLL ONLY 💖✨MiXeD BombSheLL - 26
(Las Vegas, North Buffalo Incall only no outcalls)
☆★★100 SPECIAL ☆☆★ INCALLS & OUTCALLS *36DDs College Playmate !! WELL REVIEWED - 22
XTR M°×°TÕUCH M XF L M°×°StuNniNg BlonDe ViXeNXbOOtY && bEaUty - 30
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, OUTCALL)
(( Y O U )) __ * W A N T* __ {H O T T} __ :F U N: __ * I * __ ( W A N T ) __ 2 __ :G I V E: __ I T - 19
(Vegas Outcall - *NW Incall*)
-:¦:-☆ *UnBeLiEvAbLy GoRgEoUs *SLiPpErY WhiLE WeT *ExOtiC& PeTiTe,BLoNdE NyMpHo.* ☆
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
**TrUe (deFiNiTiOn) OF GoRGEOuS!! *** (TOP NOTCH) ** SERVICE ! Mi-X-x-X-Ed BeAuTy!! - 21
Tall Beautiful Brunette with Stellar reviews,incall and outcall specials! - 25
(Las Vegas, Trop and Decatur)
Sexy jasmine BACK in Town $100 incall specials! !!! - 21
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip outcalls/incall)
★ ★★ ★★ R _U _S_ S_ I_ A_ N ___ B_-R_U_N_E_T_T _E ___B_O__M__B __S__H__E__L__L __ ★ incall ★ $140 - 23
(Las Vegas, outcalls and INCALL on strip)
~~N3W ASiAN B0MBSH3LL~~ Small WAiST, BiG B3HiND with a G0RG30US FAC3!! ;) ~~SP3CiALS~~ - 20
🎉AVAIL. 24/7💋💄SPECIALS 🎉 SeXy 🔥Pretty FaCe✔ AmAziNg SkiLLs💋GoRgEoUs SuPeR FrE@k👄💋👅 Call NOW - 21
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐415 608 3652~ NasTy~ClasSy~HoRnY~ FreAkY~ReaDy~ 24/7⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 24
(Las Vegas, Outcalls & Incall Location 2 miles From)
💕🎀💕 AMAZING Apple Bottom👌👌and Seductive Juice Lips💋😘 I Will Provide A Sexy Passionate Service 💕🎀💕 - 21
(Las Vegas, Vegas Incall & OuTcalls Available)
❤❤❤ $140 incall ❤❤❤Young❤Hott❤ ❤Independent! ❤❤ ❤Real Pics❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 21
(Las Vegas, outcalls and INCALL on strip)
@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ Well Reviewed 36D Alice Busty Asian real Me Or Free!! Incall or Outcall @@@ @@@@@ - 28
(Las Vegas, Vegas Incall/Outcall)
* ೋ✿ ~ Well Reviewed *Petite*BLue eyed BLONDe SwEeThEaRt* _ - 20
(Las Vegas, Henderson Incall//L.V,Summerlin Outcalls)
▀▄▀ ❤UPSCALE SEXY SWEET HOT ❤ ▀▄▀▄ ❤♥ ▃▅▆█ INCALL █▆▅▃ ♥ ♛READY ♛ █▒ NOW █▒ - 22
(Las Vegas, OUTCALLS and INCALL)
♣❤✘ VeGas FUN! UnFoRGetAbLE ██╚»K¡NkY«╝ $pAnKaBLe ♥♣ Cε®tiFiεD PlaYmATe ★★ 👉LetS PaRtY!¡! - 25
(Las Vegas, Strip Incall & All Outcalls)
Sharin my time with you in Henderson Today - July 6th!!! Well Reviewed 148840!!! New Pics!!! - 39
(Henderson, Henderson incall - Outcalls for verified)
°•❤•° Sexy N Petite Exotic Caramel!!°•❤•° Outcalls 2 Strip! °•❤•° - 25
(Las Vegas, West Vegas incall/ Outcalls to the strip)
Sexy jasmine BACK in Town $100 incall specials! !!! - 21
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip outcalls/incall)
*** Sexy Hispanic Hottie ~ The Real Deal ~ With Great Reviews ~ Cum Check Me Out *** - 21
(Las Vegas (incall/ outcall))
*****Sexy and Hot ****** (((( Fresh Face )))) ....Real Pics...... INCALL SPECIALS - 23
(Incall - Outcall Vegas)