Tue 21 Jan
*** DiSCReeT iNCaLL W BoMBSHeLL BLoNDe 15 / Blue Diamond - 30
(i / 15 BLue DiaMoND Mtns. Edge, Las Vegas, SouthWest)
* ~ Do U Like SeXXXy Swedish Slut's w/ Lots of ASSSS?! * Then U R Sure 2 Luv ME!!!!!! * ~ {ALL Fetis
(Trop & Valley View)
Drop Dead Gorgeous Ebony Barbiee~Fun-Size~The Prefect Ebony Playmate w/ Naughty Ways👅💋👯Call Me! - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip Outcall !, South)
* ~ Do U Like SeXXXy Swedish Slut's w/ Lots of ASSSS?! * Then U R Sure 2 Luv ME!!!!!! * ~ $100
(Trop & Valley View)
Doing Things *DIFFERENTLY* Leads To Something *E {XXX} CEPTIONAL* w/ Victoria (NEWBIE) - 21
* DD * Upscale Brunette * Great reviews * Classy * educated * quality companion * Unique ~ Bubbly - 26
(Henderson, Las Vegas, {{{{{ outcall to HOTELS }}}}}})
*.::.* D O U B L E THE P L E A S U R E ..::.. T W I C E THE F U Nߒ˪.:..* TWO GIRLS BLONDE BFFS - 22
(Las Vegas, outcall)
Discreet & SEASONED ..? 'COME PLAY' w/a Gorgeous MILF w/a DANGEROUSLY .. CURVEY Figure..
* ~ Do U Like SeXXXy Swedish Slut's w/ Lots of ASSSS?! * Then U R Sure 2 Luv ME!!!!!! * ~ $100
(Trop & the Strip)
★ Discreet & Private ★ 36DD - 24 - 34 ★ Eastern European ★ Message Me for Details ★ - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Area, North)
* ~ Do U Like SeXXXy Swedish Slut's w/ Lots of ASSSS?! * Then U R Sure 2 Luv ME!!!!!! * ~
(Trop & Valley View)
{ CuRvY ^ CoLLeGe DD } BuBBLy BRuNeTTe W/ BLoNdE Highlights ^ NoRMaL {* BuSTy REaL GiRL NeXT DooR *} - 24
(Las Vegas, The Strip, ~~ Outcall ~~~~~~~)
Dedicated to providing a most private & sensual experience! NEW PICS/SPECIALS - 32
(Las Vegas, outcall & s las vegas strip incall)
______________ D __Ã __N __G __ __R __Õ __Ü __S ____________ C __Ü __R __V __ __S ______________ - 28
(Las Vegas)
█▒█ _D R O P _D E A D _G O R G E O U S_ █▒█ _W E L L _R E V I E W E D_ █▒█ _K O R E A N S_ █▒█ - 22
(Las Vegas, 5 min from Strip/Incall/Outcall ⏠⎠)
★DaRe U 2 ☞ L00K!!! CuTe F@Ce ▓█ ☆A GRiP Th@t Won't QuiT ❤ 38DD & SoFt aLLoVER ☆ - 19
DD * sexy curves * brunette * Great reviews * Educated * Quality companion * Unique * bubbly - 26
(NorthWest, Outcall to your {LAP} @ HOTELS ONLY !!)
Dedicated to providing a most private & sensual experience! NEW PICS/SPECIALS - 32
(Las Vegas, strip incall & outcall)
*** C@rMeN bElL w@iTiNg FoR sOmE cOmP@nY *** lOoK nO fUrThEr *** C@rMeN bElL 42Dd *** - 23
(all las vegas)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ D R I P P I N L I K E W A T E R ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ - 23
(Las Vegas, outcalls)
Come PLAY w¡TH Us!! Me And My GIrlfriend- Sexy Wild :) Here from Miami LAST DAY Nympo SPECIAL $80 - 22
(Las Vegas, Location: Las Vegas, ( UpScAL *InCall)
CuTiE w/ 5o InCh BoOTY ♥ W/ HeLLa PiCs;) * * ♥ * * Real Adult Video Star!! - 22
(InCall&OuTCall; ♥ NO Agency ♥)
**** C*M PLAY W/ ME **UR DiRRttY LIL SeCReT ** 36DD** no games *** INCALL $100 **** - 30
(Las Vegas, INCALL HENDERSON Eastern/St.Rose INCALL)
CUBAN CUTIE avail for sensual massage and more *LOCALS SPECIAL* $75-30min - 27
(INCALL sahara by lv strip 702-666-5520)
Come PLAY w¡TH Us!! Me And My GIrlfriend- - Fun Sexy Wild :) Here from Miami- 22 - 22
(Las Vegas, ( UpScAL * CoZy * InCaLL * AvAiLAbL ;))
*** C*M PLAY W/ ME **UR DiRRttY LIL SeCReT ** 36DD** no games *** INCALL** $100 *** HENDERSON. +*+ - 30
Come play with Hot European Model! In town for just 2 days! Book now before its too late! - 25
(Reno, reno, downtown reno, n Virginia Ave)
Curvy and Busty 36i's ~ SWEET ~ Fun ~ Very Well Reviewed ~ - 36
(In (FT apache/russell) OUT to LV strip)
Come Cuddle Up At A Safe, Cozy & Clean Incall Today w/ A Cute, Busty Latina! Out Avail Also - 35
(Las Vegas, South Strip Near Southpoint/Outcall Also)
*** C*M PLaY W Me *** 36DD * LuX GaRNTeeD * INCALL * LooKiN 4 ReGuLaRS *LeTS PLaY 100$ Airport - 30
(Las Vegas, INCALL Sunset / Eastern /215 Airport)
*** C*M PLaY W Me *** iM LooKiN 4 ReGS * BoMBSHeLL 36DD ReVieWeD INCALL 80 spl* HENDERSON oFF 215 - 30
(Las Vegas, INCaLL 80/180 HENDERSON Sunset Station)
** C*M PLaY ** FREaK N Da SHEETs * BLoNDe 36DD ** TaKiNG ReGuLaRS* 120spl NoGaMeS INCALL Hard Rock - 30
(Las Vegas, INCALL Hard Rock / Paradise &Harmon; Unlv)
** C*M PLaY W Me ** FReaK N Da SHEETs *** BLoNDe 36DD No GaMeS ** C*M PLaY ** INCALL * Mtns.Edge - 30
(INCALL 15/ Blue Diamond Mtns.Edge, Las Vegas, South)
** C*M PLay W Me & My 36DD** INCALL i /15 BLue DiaMoND - 30
(i / 15 BLue DiaMoND MTNS. eDGe, Las Vegas, South)
Come PLAY w¡TH Us!! Me And My GIrlfriend- - Fun Sexy Wild :) Here from Miami- - 22
(Las Vegas, Location: Las Vegas, ( UpScAL *InCall)
*¨¨* -:¦: CLICK *-:¦:-* HERE *-:¦:-* CLAIM*¨¨* YOUR *-:¦:-* PRIZE *-:¦:- *¨ - 26
(Las Vegas, All over Vegas)
— •CLiCK HERE• —×° ❶ ★ ★ ★▬▬▬ {☆} ▬▬▬▶▶ °×— •IF YoU• •REQUiRE••THE BEST ✈ IN/OUt - 23
(ChocoLate) _ *LoveRs* ___ (ChocoLate) _ *LoveRs* ___ {SWEET SpeCiaLs} _ - 20
(Las Vegas, Summerlin Incalls! - Outcalls 2!)
★.*¨ CLASSY & SEXY ★.*¨ 100% REAL BBW w/ 42DDD BUST ★.*¨ $80 special - 22
Classy DD * sexy curves *- brunette * Great reviews * Educated * Quality companion * Unique * bubbly - 26
(** outcall Las Vegas hotels, East, Las Vegas, South, The Strip)
**C*M PLaY! UR DIRRtY lil SECRET** 36DD** GaRANtEED ** InCaLL $110 ** No bait n switch ** Lets PLAY - 30
(Las Vegas, **Henderson/ INCALL**)
*** C*M PLaY W Me *** FREaK N Da SHEETs *** BLoNDe ** 36DD ** No GaMeS **** LETS PLaY *** 80sp INCAL - 30
(Las Vegas, Incall 215/ Stephanie Sunset Station)
(( CaRibbeaN KnocK ouT )) ___ ** RaRe BeautY w/ a PerfecT BooTy ** ___ =AvAiLaBle NoW= - 19
(Las Vegas Baby!!!)
** C*M PLaY W My 36DDs * LuX GuaRNTD ** LooKN 4 ReGuLaRS ** INCALL No BS 80 Spl **** - 30
(Las Vegas, INCALL HENDERSON 95 Sunset Gallaria mall)
*** C*M OVER N PLAY W/ ME **UR DiRRttY LIL SeCReT ** 36DD** no games *** INCALL $100s *** - 30
(Las Vegas, INCALL St.Rose /EASTERN)
🍬🍭🍫Candy🍫🍭🍬💥💥 Buy 2 Get 1 Free Special TONIGHT ONLY 💥💥 - 18
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Henderson, SouthWest)
💋💋 College Cutie 👄MOUTH WATERING SKILLS👄 100% No Agency 💋💋❤PIC VERIFY Reviewed NO UPSELL - 22
(Las Vegas, Outcall)
_____________Come Celebrate the 4th w/LV's Best Girl!!!!___________Hot Blonde w/Current Reviews! - 35
-- C*M PLaY W Me 36DD :) -- LooKiN4ReGuLaRS -- LooKS GuaRNTD -- INCaLL -- 80spl -- HeNDeRSoN - 30
(Las Vegas, INCALL HENDERSON 95 Sunset Gallaria mall)
** C*M PLaY W My 36DDs * LuX GuaRNTD ** LooKN 4 ReGuLaRS ** INCALL No BS 80 Spl **** - 30
(Las Vegas, INCALL HENDERSON 95 Sunset Gallaria mall)
Charming Naughty Round the Clock♥ ♥ ♥ Gorgeous Ebony Barbiee! ♥ Outcall Only! - 22
(Las Vegas, Outcall All Las Vegas!, South)
**C*M PLaY! UR DIRRtY lil SECRET** 36DD** Blondle ** InCaLL $110 ** No bait n switch ** Lets PLAY - 30
(Las Vegas, **Henderson/ INCALL** EASTERN/ ST.ROSE)
** C*M PLaY W Me ** FReaK N Da SHEETs *** BLoNDe * 36DD ** No GaMeS ** 80 INCALL 15/BLue DiaMoND - 30
(i / 15 BLue DiaMoND INCALL, Las Vegas, South)
****Cami Cami Cami Exotic n Beautiful For Your Explosive Adult Experience**** - 24
(Las Vegas, Alta n Charleston)
Christmas SPECIAL!!! JEWISH AMERICAN PRINCESS!!! w/ Sexy Cousin! - 45
(Las Vegas, Buffalo and Tropicana)
🍬🍭🍫Candy🍫🍭🍬💥💥 Buy 2 Get 1 Free Special TONIGHT ONLY 💥💥 - 18
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Henderson, SouthWest)