Tue 21 Jan
▃▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆▃ 👠💋 💄 █ ▓ ▒ ---Vegas Day Spa---—24 Hrs, Korean. Chinese. Japanese. Thai girls Available - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas / China Town / Spring Mountain)
🔥🔥The Hottest🔥 PETITE Blonde In Vegas!🔥🔥 Now That U FoUnD ME, WhaT wiLL U dO wiTh ME? ^🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 22
(Las Vegas, las Vegas - Outcall Only 😊 Hotels 😊, The Strip)
*** The Hottest PETITE Blonde In Vegas!^^^ Now That U FoUnD ME, WhaT wiLL U dO wiTh ME? ^^^ XOXOXO - 22
(Las Vegas, las Vegas - Outcall Only 😊 Hotels 😊, The Strip)
*** The Hottest PETITE Blonde In Vegas!^^^ Now That U FoUnD ME, WhaT wiLL U dO wiTh ME? ^^^ XOXOXO - 22
(Las Vegas)
*¨¨*:•★*¨¨*:•★Take me to your room*¨¨*:•★ { and }*¨¨*:•★ I will take you to heaven*¨¨*:•★*¨¨*:•★ - 22
(Las Vegas, Out call 24/7, SouthWest)
Tantra bootylicious Massage Gemma & and GG - 23
(East, hotel Outcall/N.W. private incall, Las Vegas)
::*¨¨*:☆ ::*¨¨*:☆ SWEET as HEAVEN ♥ HOT as HELL ☆ ::*¨¨*:☆ ::*¨¨* - 25
(Las Vegas, Outcall Only - Right to your Room)
Sweet Asian Lily ///// Full Body Sensual Happy Massage 💋 No Agency Call-702-985-8389 - 25
(Las Vegas, Hotel Outcall TO Las Vegas)
Tantric Seduction 101: Zentastic treats & delicious Tantra-Osity for 1hr, 90min, 2-3hrs, starts $180 - 38
(East, Las vegas, southwest las vegas)
((( specials tonight!!)) ---- SmALL WaiST !! BuBBLE BoOtY !! --- 100 special.. hurry while i last...
⚽️Soccor Mom M.I.L.F⚽️ Blonde! Tan! Toned⚽️ - 35
(Las Vegas, LVBLV,On the Strip,OUTCALLS, The Strip)
Sexyy Busty Asian Lily ///// Nude Body Sensual Happy Massage 💋 No Agency Call-702-985-8389 - 23
(Las Vegas, Outcall hotel L-V)
☂ SEXY Sweet Asian BUSTY Massuese & Relax with Me - Very Sensual Soothing Touch ! ☂ - 24
(Las Vegas, Lv hotel)
♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:•★Sexy Asian girl♥♥♥♥Full body massage 100/hr♥♥♥Asian Beauty♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:•★ - - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Outcall to Hotel)
☂ Sexy Sweet Asian BUSTY Massuese with a Soapy Shower Body to Body Full Massage ☂ - 25
Sexy Sweet Asian Spoil You w/ a Soapy Body to Body Shower & Full Body Massage - 25
(Hotel Outcalls in Las Vegas)
Sexy Sweet Asian Spoil you with a Soapy Shower Body to Body & Full body massage - 25
***** SENSUAL & THERAPEUTIC ***** 36DDD, Blonde, Blue Eyes, BBW ,5'2 ****** - 30
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Outcall Hotels Only)
Sexy BBW will untangle all your kinks. Call for details - 40
(Las Vegas, Outcall or Incall near the PALMS)
___^^^^^^^^ Sensual Full Survice Body Massage by Busty, Asian Girl ^^^^^^^^_____ - 25
(Las Vegas, Hotel Outcalls Only)
-o:*""*:.o Unforgettablb Experience by Sweet & Cute AsianG I R L So.:*""*:o.- - 23 - 23
(Las Vegas)
^^^RECENT PICS^^^ Sexy, Mature, Beautiful Blonde ^^^Independant ^^^No B.S. - 35
(Las Vegas, Outcall)
(**) (**) = Pretty Asian Cutie Gives The Best Massage For You = (**) (**) - 25
✿• •✿ (NO.1 Asian Busty --- Mary) Let's Have A Good Time ..... ✿• •✿ - 23
(East, Las Vegas, las vegas outcall 24/7)
((NO.1 Asian Busty...Mary ))....>> Let,s Have A Good Time..... - 23
(East, Las Vegas, outcall hotel L-V)
PetITe Tropical Treat ` ~ ` Passionate Hot Oil Massage` ~ `SiN-SuAliTy to the max!! - 24
* Pleasure * Satisfaction * >> * Total Relaxation * Its All About the Hips Lips & Fingertips.. - 25
(Las Vegas)