Mon 27 Jan
Tall Beautiful Brunette with Stellar reviews, $100 CES Specials! - 25
(Las Vegas, Beautiful Condo, minutes from the strip)
★* T// H // E *¨* (¯`° p * e * r * f * e * c * t °´¯) BRUNETTE *¨* BoOoTy *★ - 19
(Las Vegas, OUTCALLS)
-:¦:-☆ 100%ReAL PiCs *SuPeR WeT& NaUgHtY ScHoOL GiRL*BLuE EyEd BLoNde NyMpHo* ☆
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
★ ( SW33T ____ L!K3 ______H0N3Y )★$80$ S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S - 24
*♥ SULtRy,YoUnG BLoNdE BuNnY*DoNt FuSs & FiGhT* I HaVe WaRm &TiGhT; SpEciALs ToNiGhT *♥ - 21
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
💦 Splash in My Puddle 🏊 & Play with My 💦 👅💦 Newbie Sp!nne® INCALL /out - 20
(Las Vegas, incall boulder hwy)
_____ SPECIALs _____ EVenInG RATE _____ Hot _______ SpeCials _____ VisiTinG BLonDe - 23
(outcall to hotels pls)
★• [STUNNiNG]] • ★• [[SEDUCTIVE]] • ★• [EXOTIC ]] • ★• [HAWAiiAN PRiNCESS ]] 100%REAL PiCS - 22
_____ SPECIALs _____ XMAS SpeCialS _____ Hot BLOndE _______ SpeCials _____ - 23
(outcall to hotels pls)
_____ SPECIALs _____ Weekday SpeCialS _____ Hot BLOndE _______ SpeCials _____ - 23
(outcall to hotels pls)
_____ SPECIALs _____ Weekend SpeCialS _____ Hot BLOndE _______ SpeCials _____ - 23
(outcall to hotels pls)
**Soy Toda Una Fantacia, Available; !*Super SeXy,esp. with my verY seXy ebony girlfrien - 23
(Las Vegas, Sin-City; Early Morning Special 4 100 RO)
Tue 21 Jan
-------> GORGEOUS White, Lebanese, And Black EXOTIC BLONDE BOMBSHELL 100 Incall Specials!
(LV Country Club)
Grown and Sexy! Mature Blonde with No B.S. Just plain Vegas Entertainment at it's BEST! - 36
(Las Vegas, outcalls only please)
______ ______Great Reviews_____ ____ Great Service____ ____ ___Completly Independent ( Wanna Play??)
(Outcalls & Incalls All Week 24 / 7)
Grown and Sexy! Mature Blonde with No B.S. Just plain Vegas Entertainment at it's BEST! - 29
(Las Vegas, outcalls only please)
*** G O T *** A *** G R E A T *** S P E C I A L *** J U S T *** F O R *** Y O U *** - 21
(las vegas)
^*"+-[FirstT joB Still yung&WET;* iTALiANA / ASIAN* Fa$T handSD$ $LOW PLAN$! TrY Me! - 23
(NEAR STRIP OUTcalls,INcalls,MOsTcalls.)
((( EXPLOSIVELY ))) ((( SMOKING ))) ((( HOT ))) ((( EXPERIENCE ))) ((( AVAILABLE NOW )))702-409-1861 - 25
(las vgas outcalls only)
FINEST With AGE Great Personality Outstanding Experiences & Skills - MATURE Sexy Tall Blonde - 58
(Las Vegas, West Las Vegas)
*ஃ~ ExActLy WhAt YoURe SuPpOsE To Do ToDaY *FoLLoW Me To ThE SwEetEst ExStAcY* ஃ❤ - 21
❎❎❎❎❎ Escape To A ❎❎❎❎❎❎ State of ❎❎❎ Supreme Relaxation ❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎ Young Nubian Ebony Princess❎❎❎❎ - 26
(East, Las Vegas, Strip)
~E__X__C __L__U__S_ I__V__E__ L__Y__~__GFE__~ __F__R__ I__E__ N __D__L__Y __~__B__ E__A__U__T__Y __~ - 25
.·´*¯°✰* DrEaM No MoRe* ALLoW Me To GrAnt YoU A GLiMpSe Of WhAt YoUr LoOkiNg FoR*✰ *o° - 21
Do You Want Me? OREGON GIRL in town Sexy Curves, Tanned, Clean, & READY! - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip and Surrounding)
"" Danielle White and Erica Love"" , ! Strip Incall Next Week! ""12/8 to 12/12 ""
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip)
**Cutie wit a Booty Alert** (Gotta see body)thick in all the right places(NEW PICS!) - 22
(las vegas(outcalls))
.-:¦:- CUTIE .-:¦:- WITH A .-:¦:-. BOOTY -:¦:- 24/7 - 21
~D__O__N__ T__~__B__E __~__L__O__N _E__ L__Y__~__ T_ O__N__I__ G__H__T_ ~ __S__W _ E__E__T__I_ E__~ - 25
(Outcall Only)
_.-~-.☆.-~-._ ❤❤ Come ❤Kiss❤My❤ Kitty!!♔ ❤ _.-~-.☆.-~-._ - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip. outcall, NorthWest)
!!CAUTION!! _. .*- I M P O S S I B L E -*. ._. .*- T O -*. . _ . .*- R E S I S T -*. ._ !!CAUTION! - 24
Check ME Out!!! Real Girl ... Always Independent... NO AGENCIES .. Busty Brunette Babe! - 29
~__C__O__M __E__~ __A__N__D__~ __G__E__T__~ __T__H__I__S __~ _SEXXY LATINA @ YOUR ROOM 702-502-2078 - 26
(Las vegas, Las Vegas Outcalls)
100%Italian Princess From New Jersey Offering Sensual Soft Touch Massage With Jersey Finish - 30
(100)~ Start Your Weekend Off With A Bang And Enjoy Time With Las Vegas Best Escort ~ (100 Special) - 21
100$$$$$$$ come have some fun with a hott sexy blonde hottie 100$$$$$$$$$$$$ - 25
100% I n D e P e N d e N t ❤:-•* I'm ready *•-: ❤ : - Call me •*¨¨*•. Lets *•-: ❤ PLAY :•*¨¨*•. - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas strip)
*** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L *** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L*** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L *** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L - 21
(las vegas)
★ Mesmerizing Samoan / African - American Beauty ... You Can See Me Day Or Night ★ - 21
*** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L *** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L*** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L *** 1 0 0 S P E C I A L - 21
(las vegas)
💘💎➔➔╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔ SIMPLY PERFECT!!!💘💎 ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔➔ ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T💘💎 - 21
(Henderson, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, OUTCALL)
▐▐ 💜 ▃▃▃▃▃▐▐▐▐▐ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 💜 FIRST CLASS 💜 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▐▐ TOP QUALITY ▐▐ - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Outcalls all over Vegas, The Strip)
__ ( Super Hot Asian Girl For Nude Full Body To Body Massage & Shower )__ - 25
(Las Vegas, Outcalls To Hotel Only)
*** Sexy Student ,,,,, Wait till I to Get My Hands On You!! 100% real photos.. - 23
(Las Vegas, las vegas - your place !!!!!)
Specials (B)_;L(O)_n_(D) E (G)_o_(N)_e (W)_i_(L)_d $100 HHR - 21
(outcalls only)
**** *** SEXY BARBIE Doll ***WAITING to Get My HANDS On YOU 100% real photos.. *** **** - 23
(Las Vegas, las vegas strip - outcall)