Mon 27 Jan
_ OpeN _ MinDeD _ SeXy _ BLonDe ** ReCent Pics . . NO BS>>> InDependenT - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
BEAUTY❌❌❌BULGE❌❌❌ BOOBS 38DDD❌❌❌ HUNG!❌❌❌ TS P A T R A 💗💗 2 P A R T Y !! HUNG!❌❌ - 24
(Close to the strip MY CONDO, Las Vegas)
VISITING SiN CiTy InDependent BlonDe REady N AvaiLable ***** CaLL me NoW - 28
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Sexy, Classy BLonde ****** Available WiThOUT DisaPoIntMeNTs ****** - 31
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
SexIEst BRunEtte On BP.. aND I HAvE a HoTT GirLFriEND ! IndePendEnt!! 100% SExy - 26
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
OnlY REAL MatuRE LadY in VEGAS ***** StOP CALLinG FAKeS!!!! CLAssY n PeTite - 35 - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
SexIEst BRunEtte On BP.. REady To PLay ! IndePendEnt!! 100% ReaL Sexy Pics!! - 26
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
OnlY The Serious!! __ Sexy __ And Available nOw! Newly Divorced and Ready to go wild:) - 33
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel...Outcalls Only)
*~Independent ... Mature*~* Lets MaKe YouR TImE In VeGas ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 32
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
Don't Miss Out!!! Real, Ready, HoT BlondE And Independent ~~Great Reviews! - 24
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
100% Taiwanese .NICE BABY👠👠👠🌶🌶🌶36DONLY outgoing 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 Asian Girls - 20
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, ONLY Outcall)
L( . )( . )K at My A$$ests+ my TWINS want 2 play.. 100% MUTUAL TOUCH - 25
(Hotel/Motel...or your place!)
_ OpeN _ MinDeD _ SeXy _ BLonDe ** ReCent Pics . . NO BS>>> InDependenT - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
VISITING AD! ---- (LATINA) dont miss me - WEBSITE VERIFide - 23
(¯`'•.¸° Visiting HoTtie From Florida •*¨¨*•- AvaILabLe TOday *•-:¦:-•* Independent *•-:¦:-•* REAL! - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Stay out of the HEat! Patient, Independent Cali Blonde * Here for the Summer! - 26
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
SmOKin HoTT ****** MatuRe REaL IndePendent BLonDe ****** Visiting!!!!! - 28
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Sun 26 Jan
🌸⭐🌸hot body🌸⭐💘🌸nuru massage 🌸⭐💘🌸 702-551-4957 🌸⭕🌸 hot and romantic🌸⭐💘🌸 enjoy a relaxing massage 🌸⭐💘🌸 - 25
(blvd hotel Motel OUTCALL or IN)
available for hookup⚡312-708-3744💋are you ready 🍑incalll / outcall 🚘car fun and i sell my contents 💕horney speical - 25
🟪🟪new🟪🟧☎️702-551-4957☎️🟧🟪🟪🟪no more sugarcoating come get the real deal🟧🟪🟪🟪🟧✨let's meet for sex 🟪🟧🟪🟪 incall/outcall/night fun🟪🟧🟪
(Vegas hotel Motel OUTCALL)
🟪🟪🟪𝓐𝓼𝓲𝓪𝓷 🅶🅸🆁🅻🟪🟪 🟪relaxing massage🟪🟪🟪🔥💯gfe n escorts💯 🔥body to body 🟪🟪🟪🔥🔥bbbj🔥🔥🔥
(Vegas Hotel Motel OUTCALL)
Tue 21 Jan
*~Good Morning Vegas!!!*~* Let Me MaKe YouR TImE Here ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 32
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
____FuN ** ** GirL NeXt Door ** SeNsuAL________ Real PicS . . FuN - 26
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
^^ Evening Ya'LL * SoutHern BloNde * BeautiFul * SensuaL * No Rush ^^ - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Exciting - Sexy - Blonde - Beautiful - Independent - No Rush - What More Do You Need??? - 33
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
____EroTiC ** BloNde ** Blue Eyes! *** SeNsuAL___ Mature _____ NEW PICS!!!! - 36
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Don't Miss Out!!! Real, Ready For the Pool! Blonde and HoTTTT BoDy!!!! DaYTimE SpeciaLs - 24
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Cozy Up To a Sexy, Mature Woman!!! Take a Break From Football I'm Available NOW!!! - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Cozy Up To a Sexy, Mature Woman!!! Patient, and Available TodaY ... Specials!!! - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Cozy Up To a Sexy, Mature Woman!!! NEW PICS!!!!!!, Ready and Available NOW!!! - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
___ Can'T Buy Love..... But You Can Sure Buy Some FUN!! Wanna go to the POOL! - 24
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
*~BuSTy * PetITe * SeXY BLoNdE!!!*~* Let Me MaKe YouR TImE Here ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 35
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
Soft Skin, Juicy Lips + Beautiful Smile to go with = a VERY SATISFYING SESSION!!! - 25
(Hotel/Motel...or your place!)
Soft Skin n Body, Luscious & Juicy Lips.. Beautiful Smile to go with a GREAT ATTITUDE.. - 25
(Hotel/Motel...or your place!)
Sun 12 Jan
*~BuSTy * PetITe * SeXY BLoNdE!!!*~* Let Me MaKe YouR TImE Here ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 35
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
*~BuSTy * PetITe * SeXY BLoNdE!!!*~* Let Me MaKe YouR TImE Here ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 35
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
ReaL Natural Blonde **** Don't let yourself get Bait N Switched **** Independent!!!! - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Sat 11 Jan
****** Welcome ***SEMA****** ConVenTion SpEciALS!! **** Fun *** SeXy *** - 24
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
100% Japanese .NICE BABY👠👠👠🌶🌶🌶36DONLY outgoing 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 Asian Girls - 24
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Outcall, SouthWest)
(¯`'.¸° oPENMinDend BLonDe *¨¨*- AvaILabLe TOday *-:¦:-* REaL PiCs - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
_ OpeN _ MinDeD _ SeXy _ BLonDe ** ReCent Pics . . NO BS>>> InDependenT - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Fri 10 Jan
OnlY The Serious!! __ Sexy __ Available nOw! Newly Divorced and Ready to PaRTy!! :) - 33
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel...Outcalls Only)
***WhaT A Way To BriGHteN YOur Day.... SizZLiNg HoTt COUGAR *** ____ReADy To PLay... - 30
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Sexy, Classy Brunette ****** Available WiThOUT DisaPoIntMeNTs ****** - 29
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
SeXy aNd mAtUrE .... SizZLiNg hOt CoUgAR *** ____ReADy To PLay... - 30
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Sexy, Classy BLonde ****** Available WiThOUT DisaPoIntMeNTs ****** - 31
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Stay out of the HEat! Patient, Independent Cali Blonde * Here for the Summer! - 26
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
SmOKin HoTT ****** MatuRe REaL IndePendent BLonDe ****** Visiting!!!!! - 28
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Thu 09 Jan
VISITING AD! ---- (LATINA) dont miss me - WEBSITE VERIFide - 23
VISITING SiN CiTy InDependent BlonDe REady N AvaiLable ***** CaLL me NoW - 24
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Wake Up To a Sexy, Mature Woman!!! Patient, and Available for Early Morning Specials!!! - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
ReaL Natural Blonde **** Don't get Bait N Switched *** Independent!!!! - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
@@@ @@@ @@@ \\ _______ \\ __Petite Asian outcall&incall; dreamgirl Coco @ 818 915 2793@@@@ @@@ @@@ - 23
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
_ OpeN _ MinDeD _ SeXy _ BLonDe ** ReCent Pics . . NO BS>>> InDependenT - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
*~Open your ChristmAs Gift EaRLy*~* Lets MaKe YouR TImE In VeGas ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 32
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
Wed 08 Jan
***WhaT A Way To BriGHteN YOur Day.... SizZLiNg HoTt COUGAR *** ____ReADy To PLay... - 30
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
****** Welcome ***SEMA****** ConVenTion SpEciALS!! **** Fun *** SeXy *** - 24
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
*~Good Morning Vegas!!!*~* Let Me MaKe YouR TImE Here ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 32
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
ReaL Natural Blonde ****I will Relax you and make you forget your worries *** Best rub down in Vegas - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Tue 07 Jan
VISITING SiN CiTy InDependent BlonDe REady N AvaiLable ***** CaLL me NoW - 28
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
VISITING SiN CiTy InDependent BlonDe REady N AvaiLable ***** CaLL me NoW - 24
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
OnlY REAL MatuRE LadY in VEGAS ***** StOP CALLinG FAKeS!!!! CLAssY n ReAdY - 35 - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
OnlY REAL MatuRE LadY in VEGAS ***** StOP CALLinG FAKeS!!!! CLAssY n PeTite - 35 - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
OnlY The Serious!! __ Sexy __ And Available nOw! Newly Divorced and Ready to go wild:) - 33
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel...Outcalls Only)
:):) OpeN _MinDeD SeXy BLonDe ** ReCent Pics . . NO BS>>> InDependenT - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
(¯`'.¸° oPENMinDend HoTtie *¨¨*- AvaILabLe TOday *-:¦:-* REaL PiCs - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
ReaL Natural Blonde ****I will Relax you and make you forget your worries *** Best rub down in Vegas - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
Mon 06 Jan
*~Good Morning Vegas!!!*~* Let Me MaKe YouR TImE Here ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 32
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
Don't Miss Out!!! Real, Ready For the Pool! Blonde and HoTTTT BoDy!!!! DaYTimE SpeciaLs - 24
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
*~BuSTy * PetITe * SeXY BLoNdE!!!*~* Let Me MaKe YouR TImE Here ExTra SPeCiaL ***** AcTual PiCs - 32
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
VISITING AD! ---- (LATINA) dont miss me - WEBSITE VERIFide - 23
(¯`'•.¸° Visiting HoTtie From Cali •*¨¨*•- AvaILabLe TOday *•-:¦:-•* Independent *•-:¦:-•* REAL! - 25
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)
_ OpeN _ MinDeD _ SeXy _ BLonDe ** ReCent Pics . . NO BS>>> InDependenT - 35
(Las Vegas, your hotel/motel)