Mon 27 Jan
TOTAL satisfaction $ SPECiAL$ aVai LabL e nO w
(Only Catering To oUtcalls)
★ ToDaY's SpEciAL*YoU DeSeRvE RoYaL TrEaTmEnt;*Be My KiNg &I;'LL Be YoUr NaUgHtY QuEeN*☆ - 21
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
Make You Melt Daddy ~ Taste Soo Sweet 🍭🍬🍫 Highly Ranked Mans Best Friend & Secret 💏 💏 - 21
(Las Vegas, las Vegas Strip/incalls/Outcalls/)
Tue 21 Jan
-------> GORGEOUS White, Lebanese, And Black EXOTIC BLONDE BOMBSHELL 100 Incall Specials!
(LV Country Club)
Experience Pleasure You'll NEVER forget with a domincan GODDESS!!! new pic !!!!!!!! - 20
(Las Vegas, incall and outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Make You Melt Daddy ~ Taste Soo Sweet 🍭🍬🍫 Highly Ranked Mans Best Friend & Secret 💏 💏 - 21
(Las Vegas, las Vegas Strip/incalls/Outcalls/)
★ ToDaY's SpEciAL*YoU DeSeRvE RoYaL TrEaTmEnt;*Be My KiNg &I;'LL Be YoUr NaUgHtY QuEeN*☆ - 21
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
Tue 07 Jan
★ HaVe A WeT&WiLd; TiMe *♥ lOve POtiOn# 69;* SpEciALs As SwEet As ThEy CoMe *☆ - 21
★ HaVe A WeT&WiLd; TiMe *♥ lOve POtiOn# 69;* SpEciALs As SwEet As ThEy CoMe *☆ - 21
*Upscale Companion* Classy Petite Young Lady.. Lingerie, Stockings, Stilettos, Perfect for Gentlemen - 21
(Upscale Condo Incall on Joe W Brown)
Mon 06 Jan
★ HaVe A WeT&WiLd; TiMe *♥ lOve POtiOn# 69;* SpEciALs As SwEet As ThEy CoMe *☆ - 21
Sun 05 Jan
*Upscale Companion* Classy Petite Young Lady.. Lingerie, Stockings, Stilettos, Perfect for Gentlemen - 21
(Upscale Condo Incall on Joe W Brown)
★ ToDaY's SpEciAL*YoU DeSeRvE RoYaL TrEaTmEnt;*Be My KiNg &I;'LL Be YoUr NaUgHtY QuEeN*☆ - 21
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
★ *HoW Wet Do YoU WaNt Me? MaRcH MaDnEsS SpEciALs* Hot, ErOtiC WhiSpErS *☆ - 21
★ExOtiC QuALitY HoSpitALitY SpEciALs* *GeNuiNe GentLeMeN DeSeRvE ThEsE NaUgHtY NeW PiCs★ - 21
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
Make You Melt Daddy ~ Taste Soo Sweet 🍭🍬🍫 Highly Ranked Mans Best Friend & Secret 💏 💏 - 21
(Las Vegas, las Vegas Strip/incalls/Outcalls/)
Sat 04 Jan
Make You Melt Daddy ~ Taste Soo Sweet 🍭🍬🍫 Highly Ranked Mans Best Friend & Secret 💏 💏 - 21
(Las Vegas, las Vegas Strip/incalls/Outcalls/)
★ *HoW Wet Do YoU WaNt Me? MaRcH MaDnEsS SpEciALs* Hot, ErOtiC WhiSpErS *☆ - 21
*Upscale Companion* Classy Petite Young Lady.. Lingerie, Stockings, Stilettos, Perfect for Gentlemen - 21
(Upscale Condo Incall on Joe W Brown)
★ *HoW Wet Do YoU WaNt Me?* NaUgHtY NeW PiCs& SpEciALs As SwEet As ThEy CoMe *☆ - 21
Fri 03 Jan
TOTAL satisfaction $ SPECiAL$ aVai LabL e nO w
(Only Catering To oUtcalls)
Thu 02 Jan