Mon 27 Jan
✹ *¨¨*:•.★ N E W discreet ★ ✹ I N D E P E N D E N T ✹ BLONDE Bunny ★.•:*¨¨* ✹ 34DD ★.•:* - 24
(Las Vegas, outcall out call out call)
❤ S E X Y ❤ B R U N E T T E! ❤ A V A I L A B L E ❤ N O W - 23
(Las Vegas, outcall hotels and locals)
incall & outcall .. SHELBY/bbw 702)834-1765 - 43
(Las Vegas, incall and outcall .. hotels and locals.)
Skye~The One You Will Never Forget~In The Mood and Caving You Now - 32
(Las Vegas, outcall hotels and locals)
❤ S E X Y ❤ B R U N E T T E! ❤ A V A I L A B L E ❤ N O W - 23
(Las Vegas, outcall hotels and locals, The Strip)
°°•★•°°°°•★•°° Sexy * Sexy ** MIXED Korean ** Move IN Town °°•★•°°°•★•°° - 23
(East, Las Vegas, VEGAS ONLY BABY 24/7)
SARA LARSON is in L.V.! Hot !!!!! (415)237-1860 !!!!! Fun Loving & SeXy
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip Hotels)
★____★ Miley ★_____ ★ _ petite_ ((GURANTEE IT'S ME))) ★_____ ★Outcall ★_____ ★ sweet heart - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas *Outcall Only*)
INCALL & OUTCALL ***LOOK HERE*** Black Bueaty*** Try this Forbidden Fruit ** - 23
!*!*! EarLY MorNinG OuTCaLL SPeCiALs !*!*! GoRgEoUS BRuNeTTe !*!*! ReAL PiCs !*! - 22
(****Outcall Specials ALL MoRnInG****)
$200 FLAT SPECIAL 🎁🎄❤️Curvy very busty single mom❤️Well reviewed❤️702-713-4748 - 35
(Las Vegas, outcall to hotels and locals !, SouthWest)
__ 100% _ _ REAL_____ ♥ ____ ♥ Independent Blonde ____ ♥ ___ Sweetheart ♥ - 23
(Las Vegas, outcalls to you)
✹ *¨¨*:•.★ N E W discreet ★ ✹ I N D E P E N D E N T ✹ BLONDE Bunny ★.•:*¨¨* ✹ 34DD ★.•:* - 24
(Las Vegas, outcall out call out call)
Skye~The One You Will Never Forget~In The Mood and Craving You Now ! - 32
(Las Vegas, outcall hotels and locals)
Visiting from Kansas *** Independent HOTT Blonde *** With A Friend Also! ** Leaving SOon!!! - 26
(Las Vegas, hotels and motels.... some locals)
***** Take The EdGe OFF n ReLaX With A REaL GirL NExT Door **** Blonde & InDependent - 23
(Las Vegas, outcalls to you)
Sweet Little Independent Italian Hottie With Real Pics and Perfect Boobs!! - 26
Tue 21 Jan
!*!*! OuTCaLL SPeCiALs !*!*! GoRgEoUS InDePeNdEnT BRuNeTTe !*!*! ReAL PiCs !*! - 22
(****Outcall Specials ALL NiGhT****)
Don't want to deal with agency scams or get ripped off?Call a quality busty mature brunette.. - 30
~~~>> Check ME Out..~~>>Hot, New, and Young ~~>> VERY Addictive 34 DD'S ~~ I N D E P E N D E N T
3O5.713.9633😻 You ►No Bait & Switch 💜 Guaranteed real pics🌹 Tall MODEL Blonde - 24
2 HOTT CHICS (((Incall & Outcall )))) Party Girls at its BEST !!!! NO Bs 100% Real Pics - 23
❤18 Rob my cradle.... new to this but very open minded and lots of fun ❤ - 18
(Las Vegas, On the strip)
125 true rate..Non agency treat you have dreamed about but haven't experienced til now - 22
♥100% ALL ME ♥▃▃▃▃♥I've Got a BODY to brag about & PERSONALITY To Match ♥ ▃▃▃▃▃▃ ♥ OUTCALL ♥▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 28
(Las Vegas, The Strip)
(-- 100% REAL !! Awesome ~ SEXY ~ INDEPENDENT ~ Asian ~ Bomshell --)(-- REAL PIC --) - 24
(Las Vegas)
Sun 12 Jan
✹ *¨¨*:•.★ N E W discreet ★ ✹ I N D E P E N D E N T ✹ BLONDE MILF ★.•:*¨¨* ✹ 34DD ★.•:* - 32
(Las Vegas, outcall out call out call)
(**) Wow ! Wow ! (**) GOOD Looking Gorgeous Sexy Asian PLAYMATE (**) Only Your Place 24/7
(Only Your Place 24/7)
!*!*! SoFt AnD SeXy !*!*! GoRgEoUS InDePeNdEnT BRuNeTTe !*!*! ReAL PiCs !*! No RuSh!*!* - 22
(**OuTCaLL SPeCiALs ALL DaY 702*762*4933*)
Sat 11 Jan
✹ *¨¨*:•.★ N E W discreet ★ ✹ I N D E P E N D E N T ✹ BLONDE MILF ★.•:*¨¨* ✹ 34DD ★.•:* - 32
(Las Vegas, outcall out call out call)
***** ReLaX With A REaL GirL NExT Door **** sweet InDependent blonde - 23
(Las Vegas, outcalls to you)
✹ *¨¨*:•.★ N E W discreet ★ ✹ I N D E P E N D E N T ✹ BLONDE MILF ★.•:*¨¨* ✹ 34DD ★.•:* - 32
(Las Vegas, outcall out call out call)
Fri 10 Jan
MY ×°x°× SERViCE ×°x°× iS ×°x°× SECOND ×°x°× 2 ×°x°× NONE !!!!!
Skye~The One You Will Never Forget~In The Mood and Craving You Now ! - 32
(Las Vegas, outcall hotels and locals)
Have Fun with a Mature BBW.Jessica. Your Place. Gents what are you waiting for? - 42
(Las Vegas, strip hotels and some locals)
# ❶ # ❶ # ❶ The Best In Town!! • REAL GIRLS!! • REAL FUN!! - 21
(Las Vegas, LAS VEGAS OUTCALL, The Strip)
# ❶ # ❶ # ❶ The Best In Town!! • REAL GIRLS!! • REAL FUN!! - 21
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL LAS VEGAS, The Strip)